SotonUAV Projects

Our Projects


Integrated Coastal Zone Management via Increased situational awareness through Innovations on UAS
  • 2Seas-3i

The 3i project aimed to improve maritime safety in the cross-border area (English Channel and southern North Sea) by using new technologies, implementing remotely piloted aircraft or autonomous systems. Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles will allow the creation of a new, cost effective and reliable monitoring service, for maritime safety organizations that border the English Channel and southern North Sea.

The 3i project gathered a consortium of scientific and specialist organizations (Further and Higher Education institutes, SMEs and economic development agencies) and Public Sector bodies (Police, harbour agencies, firefighting and emergency departments). The partners have worked together in research and development activities, to build a joint prototype UAV and performing joint testing and demonstrations.

This cross-border project improved the knowledge on unmanned aircraft for maritime security applications and helped to develop new technology and business opportunities for the 2 Seas area.

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