SotonUAV Projects

Our Projects


Driving beyond visual line of sight technology forward
  • Airstart

Airstart is a collaborative Research and Development project developing key technologies to support routine small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV, operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). Conceived in 2014, the project commenced in November 2015, grant aided by the Aerospace Technology Institute, ATI.

Commercial small UAVs are becoming ubiquitous in our society, in applications from film-making to surveying. However, one issue is seriously limiting their widescale use – the ability to safely and routinely operate and gather information outside of line of sight of the operator. Key activities of significant benefit to society, such as search and rescue, or power utility asset inspection, will only be realised if UAVs can safely operate over longer distances.

By February 2018, with these end-users forming an integral part of the Consortium, AIRSTART seeks to provide a technology basis to achieve both increased societal benefits and economic impact from small UAVs.

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