SotonUAV Projects

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Oceanography and Polar Science through Agile Robotic Systems

The OPSARS (Oceanography and Polar Science through Agile Robotic Systems) Project is a study to determine the feasibility of using a UAV to deploy a small AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle). This enables the AUV to be delivered to precise locations that are prohibitively remote or inaccessible to be reached by research vessels, including cracks in ice sheets.

The potential speed of deployment also makes the system well suited to investigation of oil spills, effects of natural disasters, and other applications where rapid response is paramount. Opportunity for synergy between the UAV and AUV increases the potential capability of the system.

In November 2016 a trial payload release test was carried out over land using a dummy submarine to ensure the AUV release mechanism was functioning correctly. This trial can be seen in the video link below.

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